Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Where We Were Last Year

Here are a couple of pictures I dug up from last year for a compare and contrast with a current picture. Sometimes it's hard to believe we are making progress when we keep working on (mostly) the same exercises over and over again, but comparing these pictures really shows a huge improvement in his frame/correctness and my rider biomechanics.  Even when compared with the top photo on the blog, which I love for it's color and composition, you can see how much more correct the most current picture at the bottom looks.  No kink at the wrong vertebrae, energy through the haunches, over the back, lifted shoulders, and horse seeking the contact even in slight collection.  Many things still to work on, but getting closer to that elusive "correct" Second Level.

This picture from last year is not too bad, but Jet's shoulders are dropped, his neck is not arching out enough, and generally he is not using the whole engagement mechanism correctly because the shoulders are still dropped and he is not seeking the contact...

This next picture from the same ride shows better use of his back, slightly lifted shoulders and better engagement mechanism but he is on the forehand and I am (way) too far forward and legs too far back...

Pretty happy with this current picture bio-mechanically for both horse and rider...

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