Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Tale of Two Dressage Judges

Our past two dressage shows both went really well(see previous post about being Reserve High Score at the first), especially since the second venue was SUPER busy with a high traffic bike/walking path right next to the ring.  I was really pleased with how chill Jet was about the atmosphere and in general with how he was so relaxed and focused for all his tests.  He basically gave the same type of ride at both shows, but the judging couldn't have been more different.

Actually, the problem was not about bend, it was with being more uphill/withers lifted to move up the levels.  The judge at the first show gave us nice comments including "lovely partnership" but also commented that Jet sometimes gets a touch behind the vertical and downhill in his balance even for Training Level.  She basically said we would need to fix this to move up to First but that we made a harmonious picture right now with good transitions, suppleness and etc..  The judge at the second show(scary venue) asked me approach after the test and basically told me she had to mark me as insufficient on every movement because Jet was WAY behind the vertical.  Ok, fair enough, but when I said that I was just really pleased that he toodled around, was relaxed and did every transition in balance and where he was supposed to, she shut me down.  She told me that NO MATTER WHAT the horse must always be in front of the vertical under all circumstances.  Well then.  I thanked her politely and exited left.

Obviously we weren't reserve high score at that show.  Anyway, after I simmered down, I went to look at the video of the test and was pleasantly surprised.  Yes, Jet got a touch behind the vertical/downhill sometimes but nothing like the chin to chest the judge implied.  His tail was swinging, he was  forward, breathing deeply, he was bent properly, supple AF, and was relaxed and focused.  Yeah us.  After thinking about it, I realized the two judges said exactly the same thing but with a totally different spin.  Judge #1 pointed out all the positives and then also commented on what needs to come next to improve.  Judge #2 told me everything we did was insufficient and needs to be fixed STAT before we ever grace a show ring again.  Though to be fair, she did comment "skilled rider".  Thanks, I think?

It's neither here nor there, I know which judge I want to be like if I ever judge schooling shows, but basically they were saying the same thing.  I agree that Jet needs to be more uphill to progress but I also emphasized calm and relaxed over uphill at that particular place and time.  I purposely had a lower key warm up and prioritized relaxation over better balance, figuring that if I can get him consistently calm at shows THEN we can work on a bit more energy and being more uphill.  You know, like this fantasy.

Anyway, live and learn, food for thought, and all that BS, but my takeaway is that since 3 out four of our past shows have been very chill, it probably is time to think about changing the balance and asking for a bit more in the show ring.  The problem is that Jet tends to be a bit more reactive when I ride him more uphill, even when we are at home.  I have a few ideas about how to tackle this.  Stay tuned!

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