Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Results in Harmony Thoughts

I received the Results in Harmony Video Series as a gift a couple of months ago and have had several lightbulb moments from the content.  There is so much possible material to go over, but I thought I would do some bullet points of the things that stood out the most.  Honestly, there is so much content in these 6 DVDs that is different or complimentary to the Dressage Naturally Video Classroom,  that I could spend a long time going over the finer points, but here are some of the highlights.

*The most watched DVD for me is Developing Mobility #2.  It takes you step by step from the most basic natural horsemanship yields to sophisticated lateral work.  For instance, I never truly understood the progression from a turn on the forehand, to a turn on the forehand in motion, to shoulder-in before this video.  Same for leg yields and turn on the haunches,.  Also, goes a bit into the qualities you are seeking in each movement for whatever you are ultimately trying to achieve.  Game changer for me.

*Both Playing with Posture #’s 3&4 are really interesting with some very unusual content.  Different ways of thinking about position, original exercises, and lots of mind/body connection thoughts.  I’ve skimmed these, but there is a lot of content to play with over the winter.

*Developing the Trot Lengthens #5 is pretty comprehensive and really follows on from Developing Mobility.  Our trot lengthens are already better after viewing this video a couple of times.  Very helpful.

*The 9+1 Conversations #6 is a mind blower.  It goes over how any dressage maneuver is a combination of these conversations.  I’m pretty sure this is going to be a watch 20 times DVD.  Layers of information.

*Riding in Connection with the Reins #1 is a great timeline of starting a horse bitless and working up to a connection with the reins.  Would be great for anyone starting a horse to see the DN progression of training.

So there it is.  A not very comprehensive collection of thoughts about this DVD series.  Basically, wait until it is on sale and buy it.  The level of content is amazing and even if you already do the Video Classroom this material is different and very complimentary.


  1. Interesting. I've wondered about these videos.

    1. I've gotten a lot out of them, with, I think, a lot more to come. The DN website does run sales and I have seen this set as much as 50% FYI.
