Monday, July 13, 2020

Stacking the Vertebrae

I tried to find an illustration or picture of stacking the vertebrae or blocks from the bottom up like I was referring to in my last post, and this was as close as I could get.  Ignore the neck high horse and think about how if any of those boxes slide forward or sideways how it will impact balance.  

I had a really great ride yesterday where I concentrated first and foremost on stacking my vertebrae and low and behold Jet stayed poll high unless I asked him to stretch by making air spaces between said vertebrae.  It especially helps me to think of starting at the base of my spine and stacking my way up.  I feel like I use my muscles and core in a completely different way.  We stuck to mostly working gaits with some easier collectibility like walk-canter-walk and walk pirouettes and the change in our combined balance was AMAZING.  We would both get tired after 2-3 minutes of me stacking and him staying poll high, so we took many breaks, but he was quite willing.  I know that my posture is truly changed because I am SO sore from about the shoulder blades up today.  In a related note, if you look back at my last post you can see how my posture really relates to Jet’s posture.  When I am stacked he is poll high.  When I am not, he is neck high, with the degree varying by the acuity of my sliding blocks.

I’m going to do a couple of more rides with this new posture and then use the Pivo to confirm.  I will do a post with some video (hopefully!) and also my first impressions of the Pivo.  A little teaser, I’m getting footage but only in certain parts of my dressage court and with certain lighting.  Useful for training purposes but not great for shareable media a lot of the time.


  1. I noticed in the GIF the line of your spine and Jet's forehead seem to stay parallel when you were sitting up and when you leaned forward a little. Glad to hear it's what should be an easy fix, reminding yourself to sit up straight, but I know how tough it can be to remember to 'do all the things' when we are on them. Thats when we fall into the trap of over thinking everything. Because I'm guilty of that

    1. Yep, probably easier said than done, but making a start 🙂

  2. I play with this too and it's hard to maintain. Of course if I did more sit ups it would be easier but apparently I need a class to stay motivated for that.....

    1. I hear you on the site ups. I do yoga/stretching everyday while watching TV and that has helped a ton with my balance/core strength. It's just a matter of activating it when I ride...
