Thursday, October 15, 2020

Horse Training in Harmony Podcast

I’m one of those people that is just not that into podcasts.  I think some of it is that I learn best by reading, next best by watching, and least well by listening.  My retention is by far the best for the written word.  Add to this that I almost always have music of some kind playing, and you can see why podcasts have not been a big thing for me.  So when Karen Rohlf of Dressage Naturally came out with a PODCAST I was a bit lukewarm.  I have to say though, these podcasts have been a great learning tool.  They really make me think about the why of training, the basic principles of horsemanship, and the connection between horse and rider.  In a lot of ways this is not new material to me, but reminds me of things I already know but have forgotten.  The podcasts have really jump started some of my thinking on training challenges and the theory and application of dressage.

Do you listen to any horse podcasts?  What are your favorites and why?


  1. Similar to books on tape. I don't enjoy being read to. I'd rather read it myself. Too easy to 'tune things out' and focus on other stuff in front of me.

    1. Exactly! I find I have to work to focus much harder with auditory learning than written. That said, I have gotten some gems from this podcast.
