Monday, June 14, 2021

Updates June 2021

The biggest update is that I am thinking about building a full size outdoor sand dressage court.  My husband is all in, but I’m still waffling about the money because I am a tightwad.  He thinks I will make more progress if I have rideable footing for more of the year and that I should go for it.  All of it.  Showing Cruise next year at local shows and possibly showing rated as he progresses.  He is right but I’m not sure how ambitious I am.  The thought of that perfect court to school in is very attractive though and more affordable than I thought.

Speaking of Cruise, he is awesome.  Really awesome.  Ground driving all over the property like the cart horse he is and not blinking an eye at ANYTHING.  Under saddle he is steering and stopping from my seat inside and getting stronger in his trot steps.  We’ve had two rides outside and he was stellar.  As soon as I getting him trotting quietly outside in my backyard we will move to the bigger pasture.  Then the fun will start with lots of long trots along the fence lines, some circles, and basic Intro work.  Exciting.

Jet is doing great as well.  I have him on an every other day for a half hour riding cycle.  Mostly working gaits, with some poles and some collected steps here and there.  Think Training/First but not actually putting tests together yet and with lots of walk breaks.  He feels sound and seems happy.  This makes me happy.  We will continue to work this way while I focus on my position a bit and then start stringing some tests together.  I’m trying to find the level of exertion where he stays sound without too much veterinary intervention.  Maybe there’ll be some horse shows in his future or maybe he will be my practice horse for position stuff as I bring Cruise along.  

How are things going for you this June?


  1. You will not regret building the sand ring. You should go for it.

  2. If its affordable now and withing reach- why not? You will be able to use it in a multitude of ways and will be so nice having your very own sandbox to play in. Good luck and I look forward to the updates!

    1. It is exciting! Have to get that estimate first and then we shall see !
