Monday, May 20, 2024

5 Favorites of 2024


First up are these scissors from The Hairy Pony.  Heavyweight, sharp, with beautiful craftsmanship, they remind me of my grandmother’s sewing scissors(she was a professional tailor for 40 years).  They cut through Cruise’s enormous tail easily with one cut and give the perfect level bang.  Bliss.

Next up is Effol SuperStar Shine.  It’s just the best for tails, manes, and to wipe down a clean coat and give it that extra sparkle.  It lasts for multiple days in Cruise’s tail for an easy brush through with no tangles or pulled out hairs.  Just the best thing out there.

Next we have Smartpaks.  Convenient, changeable on a monthly basis, and the same price I was paying from the feed store with less hassle and also recyclable.  My husband had to convince me to run the numbers because I am a tightwad, and I’m glad I did.

Effax Leather Combi is the best day to day tack cleaner I have found.  Pleasant scent, removes all grunge, and leaves a soft shiny surface.  I especially like that it foams out of the bottle and a little goes a long way.

And last but not least, we have SmartItch-Ease by SmartPak.  Cruise has always been a super itchy horse, with lots of skin bumps, flaky places, and huge over reactions to bug bites.  The bugs also love him,  SmartPak was running a half off the first month sale and I tried this stuff and OMG.  Within 3 days of starting it no bumps, minimal itching, and no cloud of bugs.  It’s almost unbelievable but the change has been dramatic.  He is so much more comfortable even with some humidity and the current mid eighties temperatures.  Amazing product.

So what are your 5 favorites for 2024?  I’d love to hear…

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