In Josh Nichol’s Relational Horsemanship horses have three needs, mind, space, and pressure. Mind referring to keeping their mind present with their body instead of gazing off into the distance. Space being the horse’s relationship to the energetic space around the rider/handler. Pressure referencing the horse’s overreaction to any kind of pressure. Most horses are easily identifiable as primarily one of the three and the training emphasis is slightly different for each kind of horse.
Cruise is definitely a space horse. Quick VIDEO here. Always barging onto me, head up in my grill, kind of unresponsive. Space horses also tend to be slow to the leg and aids in general. Through a series of exercises in hand all that has changed. By having a strong energy field around myself and getting Cruise to receive that energy and yield slightly he has become a different horse. Respectful with his head unless I draw him. Yielding all parts of his body just from my energy field. Much calmer and connected in general because he knows where I am and also receives my energy willingly.
Interestingly, all of the sudden we have an easy walk to trot in hand for the first time with no bracing. And even though the JN work has all been in hand, Cruise has become much more responsive under saddle. I’m obviously oversimplifying things a bit, but this work is kind of amazing.