Monday, January 1, 2018

Resolutions & No Goals 2018

2017 was a pretty good year for us in spite of having no goals and only three resolutions.  Jet and I got out and showed successfully for the first time.  Our training using the Dressage Naturally and TRT Method online programs progressed nicely, our relationship became even more solid, and I felt like I pushed my boundaries in several different ways, not just in my riding.  My 2017 resolutions of watching a DN video before every ride, exercise or ride every day for 40 minutes with some added in yoga, and Whole 30 were a mixed bag.  Watching a DN video before every ride was pretty easy and worked really well, and this has become a habit.  Exercise or ride for 40 minutes every day with some yoga sprinkled in, turned into a ton of yoga using Dressage Rider Training every day that I didn't ride.  The only problem was that exercise on non-riding days still lasted for probably a total of 25 minutes a session.  Whole 30 was a total bust, I am still fighting that last 5-10 pounds, and keeping my carbs at a moderate level without setting my thyroid off(or chewing off my own leg...) is a work in progress.

So, as I said, a mixed bag of resolutions but a great year.  I am ok with that.  The video watching before riding or training has been great.  Yoga has turned into something I love for itself, not just to improve my riding.  I feel so much stronger, more flexible, and have so much more core strength it is amazing.  Even though I basically don't do targeted cardio, I walked the city and climbed Undergound stairs(there are a TON) around London for five days and kept up with my very fit family easily.  The only time I got winded was climbing the steps to the top of St. Paul's dome and it was an epic 500+ steps of amazingness that got everyone(SUCH a view). So does it really matter that I am not hitting my target of 40 total minutes?  Not really sure.  The carb/weight thing is a struggle.  I'm not sure if I should just accept that this is my natural body weight since all my markers are fine or whether I should keep fighting the good fight.

Anyway, that was 2017.  One thing that was not on my list of resolutions for 2017, but that I thought about a lot, was pushing my boundaries or challenging my comfort zone.  I just started thinking about it a lot.  Hence the horseshowing, the trip to Europe, the ride in Hyde Park(more about that later), and a host of smaller but boundary pushing actions.  Even though it wasn't a resolution, anytime something scared me a little, I would ask myself if I need to challenge my comfort zone to live a fuller life.  Most of the time the answer was yes and some really great experiences came out of that line of questioning.  Funny how a non-resolution turned into my biggest game changer.

I'm a big believer in global habits having positive effects on my riding(see above) so I want to continue on with my lack of specific goal setting but having global resolutions to improve my riding and my life.  For my first resolution I want to continue either riding or doing yoga every day but I will add in 15 minutes of intervals on the elliptical at least 2 times per week to add in a little more cardio fitness.  My second resolution is to keep pushing my comfort zone when something scares me a little and to keep asking myself whether I'm being overly cautious or whether I should just challenge myself a little to live a fuller life.  My third resolution is to say or do a positive thing daily for everyone I come in contact with regularly, including my ponies.  This one might be tough, not with the ponies but with the teenagers.  What are your New Year's goals and resolutions?

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