The year end awards banquet was held for the DLSC last Friday night. It was a great evening, lovely venue, with very good food, and it was fun to talk with people a bit without helmets on. Jet and I finished Reserve Champions in Training Level Senior against 11 qualified for the division. Our cumulative score for 4 shows was 66.182%, which I was pleased with, especially given that one of those scores was in the 50’s from the judge that did not care for us. We squeezed by the third place competitor by .057%. Talk about close.
Anyway, the evening was lovely, the ribbon large, the trophy shiny, and we won our very first nice leather halter. A good night. The DLSC does such a nice job with their Show Circuit, does not charge a membership fee(all you need to do is compete at 4 shows per year at the same level), charges very reasonable entry fees, and does very nice year end awards. I feel very lucky to live somewhere with such a reasonable way to show a bit and compete without breaking the bank. I try to always thank show management at every show and the directors at the year end awards for providing something so nice at the local level.
Now my thoughts are turning to showing at First Level next year. There will definitely be some challenges in moving up and things to work on over the winter, but I feel like at least after 2 years I have a handle on how to prep Jet for a show. Now to work on our lengthens and improve our canter work a bit. Looking forward to 2019 with my favorite pony ever.