Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jet Meets Dr. Ron

Jet came up head bobbing lame a week ago last Sunday.  He worked under saddle fine Saturday but when I went to get him from turnout Sunday he was waiting at the gate(NEVER happens) and off.  I couldn’t find any heat or swelling anywhere and assumed he was brewing an abscess since he has a history.  The vet came out to see Jet the next a.m. and couldn’t find any real foot tenderness.  But when we started flex testing him it quickly became apparent that one hip was higher than the other and one of his hind feet was tracking weirdly to the inside.  The vet recommended that Dr. Ron the equine chiropractor take a look before we did anything else.

Dr. Ron turned out to be eminently qualified with a background of human chiropractic practice for 30+ years and equine chiropractic for 20+.  He is in such demand for equine work that he flies all over the country to the big show barns.  He’s also a long time reining competitor with many wins at the highest level.  Besides being so qualified, Dr. Ron is also a super nice guy, soft and quiet with the horses, and willing to answer any and all questions.  Jet had a couple of little things going on but the big one was that his SI joint was WAY out.  Probably from a slip in the mud.  Dr. R loosened him up with massage and then did some big adjustments using the hind legs and pushes the other direction.  You should have heard the crack when it finally gave!  Jet was surprisingly good and after every crack his eyes would get huge and worried and then all soft and the lip licking would commence. 

Jet is now day 6 out from being adjusted and totally back to normal if not slightly better in his collected work.  So lucky to have such a knowledgeable equine professional who is such a horseman.  Loved Dr. R’s general philosophy, quiet manner, and obvious love of horses.  Jet might possibly need a touch up sometime in the next few weeks, but if not, he will definitely be checked out before show season starts next year.

1 comment:

  1. I love when the body work works so well like that! Glad he is feeling better!
