Thursday, July 16, 2020


Had the best ride this morning.  Took the posture (mine and his)from the last Pivo filming and added the energy exercise HERE, on a loose rein, in a whatever posture, before we started our working gaits thinking about poll high posture AND energy.  Wow.  Everything was easy, balanced and forward.  Instead of trying to make things happen for the transitions, I just asked for matching energy and released into the upward transition.  We kept it simple with working gaits and some flexibility exercises like serpentines and leg yields, with lots of stretch breaks, but everything was just so balanced and sweet.  We kept it short and afterwards Jet got to graze in the backyard (forbidden fruit) and got a deep groom, which he loves. Relaxation, energy, and balance.  It takes all three.  Who knew?


  1. "Relaxation, energy, and balance. It takes all three" the holy trinity of dressage. :) It sounds fabulous. I Love it when my horse and I are in sync.

    1. It is the best feeling isn't it? Might not be able to get there the next ride but something to strive towards.
