Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pivo and Posture 2.0

The Pivo continues to frustrate but also give valuable feedback.  I really only have success filming on a certain 20m circle, at a certain time of day, from the center of the ring, with the right contrasting outfit on. But, on that 20m circle at walk/trot/canter I am getting a ton of good information.  Looking forward to future software updates and also the changing light and background color as we get to fall.

On the posture front, I feel like things are coming together.  As you can see in the above, my posture and Jet’s carriage are much improved.  I still have a tendency to check my posting diagonal and then slump and correct, but for the most part my vertebrae are stacked and Jet’s outline reflects that.  The stretch needs to be a bit more out, but again, vastly improved, and headed in the right direction.  I need to fix my swinging leg(slightly snug the thigh and weight the little toe) but all my head space is concentrated on stacking right now, and when that becomes more automatic the leg will be next.  

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