Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Little Pivo a Little Posture

So here are a couple of short videos from yesterday using the Pivo and my phone to get video.  I think this is my fourth or fifth time using the Pivo.  A couple of times no usable video and 2-3 with similar footage to this.

The Pivo:
~works as an app on your phone using software to find contrast and a “horse” shape not a physical tag, so it works best in certain circumstances of lighting, colors, and contrast
~I don’t really have those circumstances as I have a dark horse on a dark(green field, green trees) background with splashes of bright light
~wearing a white shirt and saddle pad helps for tracking but only so much
~I can’t really have either shade or bright light at this time of year without either riding at 7 a.m. or midday in the broiling sun-not going to happen
~the zoom update is not great as you can see by my or Jet’s sometimes chopped off body parts
~this is not fantastic media to share but it does give me ton of training feedback that I would not have otherwise,  I also think I will keep lurking in the FB group for ideas for setup and I will be looking out for app updates which seem to be frequent 
~I seem to have the best luck with it tracking us on the 20m circle, so I’ll need to plan Pivo rides with things on the circle to confirm training corrections 

The posture:
~I’m sitting where I need to be the majority of the time(still need those top blocks stacked more consistently in posting trot) and he is poll high-YEAH!
~his shoulders need to be lifted a bit more but see the energy comment below and also he just needs strength in a new to him posture
~his balance is so much better but because I was focused on my posture I let the energy be too low, that’s why he gets a little lateral before some of the transitions 
~you can tell how hard this is for him and after the multiple trot transitions you can see him go to tip on the forehand and my posture not allow it
~I need to loosen my reins in the free walk 2-3 inches
~the rest of the ride that the Pivo cut in and out on, we got some really nice trot leg yields from centerline, canters, slight shoulder-in at the trot, and throughout he was soft, poll high, and willing, just a little low energy
~I think it will take a month or so of my being consistent with my posture so his poll is high most of the time to see where we truly are, mixed in with some fun ground work and pole days so his body can adjust

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