Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Random Training Thoughts about Regrets

Since I’ve started using the Dressage Naturally system, I’ve pretty much lived by this mantra.  But.  This has also led to us being stuck at First-Second Level for a couple of years while I try to figure out how to ride.  Seriously.  The interesting thing though, is that even though I was tilted forward and could not get the timing of the half-halt, we were cruising around pretty happily.  Jet was getting progressively more flexible and supple using the principles of Relaxation, Energy, and Balance to find the Sweet Spot. We couldn’t achieve poll high always(damn you slouchy posture) but self-carriage and a form of stretch were consistently there and we were harmonious even though our balance was a little off sometimes.  We got some nice scores and comments at Training and First, and most of all, Jet trusted me enough to take his spooky self to shows and be quite obedient.  That was a big deal to me.

Now that I’ve made some big breakthroughs and figured out my posture, the correct stretch, and different versions of the half-halt, I have second guessed myself once or twice about having an almost 18 year old pony that is just now getting some of the more technical “real” dressage stuff.  But.  If I had hauled Jet to one of our local dressage people with his inverted tense self, I’m sure hardware would have been suggested.  Lots of lunging to wear him down.  Trainer rides.  A dressage bred horse.  And on and on.  By focusing on the partnership first and then working my way up to the more technical skills, things have taken a long time.  The upside though, is that I know how to problem solve the relationship, I know the lower level technical skills in and out, and now that I have the ability to sit up and half-halt (occasionally) the world is our oyster. 

Now, Jet will only stay sound doing harder work for so long, but who knows how long that will be?  Could be next month or a few years from now.  Meanwhile he is happy to work for me and is my best boy.  The thing is though, by working slowly through the steps, I understands the ins and outs thoroughly so I can take that knowledge to the next horse.  Honestly, probably one of my only regrets is not doing the online Dressage Naturally courses.  I think I would have gotten to this point much quicker with more input and video feedback but also spent thousands of dollars that I used to buy my next horse.  Life is trade offs. 

Do you have any regrets about your training path or decisions you have made about your horse experience?


  1. Tough question! Yes I have regrets but I also try to forgive myself because I always tried to do the right thing. To be honest, there were times when I seriously thought about using gadgets on Carmen. I was getting so frustrated with her bolting and leaping sideways. I did try lunging in side reins- they were loose and, as training aids go, pretty benign. Her whole posture was one of misery. I don’t know if it’s her training history, which I don’t know but have some thoughts on, but I didn’t like it so I stopped. Most of us have a budget and we need to decide where to put our resources.

    1. I agree about everyone having regrets, especially when you know more and can do better. Carmen is an interesting puzzle. I also would have thought about gadgets with her at one point in my training journey but would now not be inclined at all. And yes, most normal people have finite resources and have to make choices.

  2. There have been plenty of regrets for me in the collective land of horses. Probably more than anyone would like me to list. But those are all lemons and I've made a whopping batch of margaritas and let the disappointments go.

    I have started viewing it much like the horses- what horse do I have today? This past year with shows being cancelled- just gave me more time to work on things, focus and get them right, but to also enjoy the horses I get to be around every day even if just to pick up their poop.

    If I get stuck on something, I don't dwell on it. I move on to the next movement at the next level. Working on those- sometimes it makes something click for one or both of us- how to do the movement or how to ask for it differently and more clearly. When we go back a week or two later and try things but don't focus or drill on them, it all comes together or it don't. No big deal. We aren't going to be perfect at everything and sometimes it takes accepting a lower score on this but being able to make it up on that. It's a give and take- strengths and weaknesses.

    The bottomless bank account would do wonders for a lot of us, but in the end it may not change the number of regrets we have- just what they are. Good idea for a post.
