Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Things I've Learned This Year

Even though we haven’t shown this year, I feel like we have had a series of breakthroughs.  It all started with buying a Pivo.  Despite the lack of consistency in the video, there was enough to realize that Jet was almost always slightly on the forehand and slightly behind the vertical.  And I was always sitting forward.  Which would explain why some of the Second Level movements were not very good in quality even though we could do them for a 5.

So, big change number one was that I had to sit up if I wanted Jet off his forehand and in front of the vertical. I visualized.  I did yoga and worked out with my vertebrae stacked.  I watched every video I could find about the effects of rider posture on horse posture.  And it worked.  I am now(confirmed by Pivo) sitting up 80-90% of the time.  Jet is consistently in front of the vertical with his poll high.  The sit of the posting trot and sometimes in the canter are still a work in process as below, but this winter that will be my rider position focus.  Because he is not naturally uphill, my position has an outsized influence on his balance, so I must SIT UP.

Big change number two was that once I was sitting up with Jet’s poll as the highest point, he felt dull and low energy.  I kept working on energy to no avail.  Then I happened to see a Dressage Naturally Video Classroom FB post about going from the working walk to the slightly collected walk and the lightbulb went on.  Did you know that the stretch is not actually a stretch down as much as a stretch OUT to the contact?  By letting Jet just go head down rather than stretched out to the contact and then gradually down, I was missing the whole point of the stretch.  So with my new posture I went out and played with being poll high and stretched OUT to the working frame and thought about adjectives like swingy and through.  Low and behold now that the energy was going all the way around the circuit, with correct biomechanics, energy was not a problem. Like this picture below.

Big change number three was reading another blogger’s post about a Centered Riding clinic and revisiting the CR concepts, especially on the half-halt.  I started playing with the basic version of the Centered Riding half-halt and realized a few things.  The most basic HH was a lot like putting space between my vertebrae for a slight stretch out.  Who knew?  I then started researching and playing with various forms of half-halts as explained by a variety of sources.  That is when the lightbulb just about blew up.  Because folks, there are different half-halts for different situations.  The sit up and wait with the seat is one kind of HH but the sit up and add seat/leg without going more forward is another.  And many variations in between.  Once I realized there is not just one HH, but many many different versions, I was able to set Jet up for success so much better.  Below is a lengthening/medium after some energizing half-halts.  Jet is a little short in the neck/btv due to my position flaws, but I love the energy and hind leg engagement.

Looking over this post,  everything this year feels very serendipitous.  Without the Pivo showing me I needed to fix my posture, the changes in stretching out to the frame and various kinds of half-halts would never have been effective.  I will say though, that I credit this breakthrough to the wonders of the Internet.  I found out about the Pivo from a fellow blogger.  The posture fixes have come mostly  from Internet searches and online yoga.  The stretch that is out to the contact as much as it is down was from the Dressage Naturally Video Classroom.  The half-halt quest was again started by another  blogger and expanded to FB, YouTube, and the general internet search.

I do feel like this summer was the outgrowth of a lot of previous building blocks but that the ability to learn from other bloggers, the Video Classroom, and the Internet in general has led to this big leap.  I’m always searching, reading and watching so I can learn more.  Do feel that the ability to learn online has impacted your learning and Horsemanship?  What online resources have helped you the most?


  1. I love this idea for a post. I am also seriously considering getting a pivo. it will help me in between my lessons. I can see big changes in you and jet so well done!

    1. Thank you! We're not perfect but definitely on the right track. I highly recommend the Pivo-its obviously been really good for me. Lot's of other resources helped as well. Love the internet for horse info...

  2. Oh my gosh Yes! Photos /video have helped me a lot. Mainly it has helped me to 'let go' of some of the things I worry about and I can move on to stress over other things. Lol

    Budget Equestrian on YouTube has a video on making inexpensive 'mirrors' for your riding arena. They aren't perfect but they are better than nothing. Gives you more of an idea what's going on while you're in the saddle rather than having to go back later and watch. I think in addition to a Pivo its about as close as we can get to actual lessons without the cost, but the Pivo also helps us develop our eye for what's going on that we learn to recognize it in our own riding and others as well.
