Monday, September 9, 2024

Wired 4 Connection


I’ve been reading this fascinating little book and applying its principles the past few days and WOW.  An easy read, it explains polyvagal theory, and how it applies to humans and horses.  I found the whole book excellent but especially appreciated the self regulation techniques for humans.  The idea is that if the human can self regulate then the horse can co-regulate with human and go into a parasympathetic state much more easily.  

I’ve been playing with the self regulation/co-regulation exercises with both boys and I can get them licking and chewing just standing by them using my breathing.  Under saddle, field riding, Cruise is as relaxed as he’s ever been.  This isn’t a lengthy book but it is packed with interesting and useful information and techniques.  At only $4.99 currently in the Kindle version, I highly, highly recommend.


  1. I found it really interesting that when I retired and my stress level dropped, both horses responded to me differently. I’ll have to check this book out.

  2. I definitely will add this to my kindle list! I remember Warwick Schiller talking about it before, and I've seen the impact of my nervous system on my kid who is super sensitive, so self regulation is always something I've known has to be worked on.
