Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Best Description Ever of a Lifted Back

I ran across this gem on the Dressage Today FB page.  I think this is the best description/illustration using a balloon to explain  having a horse work with a lifted back.  That feeling of the broadness, lift in the gaits, lightness, and ease of movement.  The whole enchilada.

After I saw this I started wondering.  Does the rider need to have a filled balloon as well, to help the horse’s balloon inflate?  I think my balloon is longer and narrow and might need to be wider side to side.  Something to play with on our working gaits ride this afternoon.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me try again- sans spelling issues. Thanks autoincorrect!

    I had a trainer explain it to me once like riding a carousel horse and it felt like more of an up and down movement in the gaits. Of course I couldn't feel it because the horse wasn't doing it and when I pulled up and got off so he could show me- the horse wouldn't do it right for him either and I didnt feel so bad. Lol

    Fast forward several year to my jumper mare Tess. When she was traveling balanced and in frame, there was a huge difference and it was a feeling I haven't forgot. It's an A-Ha! moment.

  3. I have pics of Mazy moving in such a round and lifted manner. Now if I could just get her to do it with me On her.

    The post Lift Off has them with her wearing Western tack and the post Wowsa has her doing it under English tack. She's capable, we just needed to work on it. Mostly by first finding a saddle to fit her.

    1. For sure a saddle that fits is a prerequisite. I like your post title!
