Monday, September 26, 2022

Pivo for the Win

My lesson got rescheduled to two weeks from now, because SW needed more time to pack for the World Western Dressage show.  So no lesson recap to be had.  I thought though, I’d talk about how helpful I have been finding my Pivo in the quest to sit in better alignment.  After not using the Pivo for months, since I was essentially ringless, I’ve been using it at least once a week to check in on, well, everything.

Having video is really keeping me honest about whether I am sitting up enough and really helps with that mind body disconnect, where you feel one way but aren’t actually there on video.  Also, it’s so helpful to see if my biomechanics impact the horse the way I’m feeling.  Such a useful tool and really pretty easy for me to use.

On the whole I am really pleased with our progress.  I had a 1 year FB memory come up yesterday of Cruise’s first real haul out.  Now I’m successfully hauling him out for ridden lessons.  He is starting to get solid in his walk trot work in the seeking reflexes and on a rhythm.  He’s basically ready to canter under saddle, I’m just waiting for a warm spell.  I really wanted to show a bit this year, but I think the investment in biomechanics online through and in person lessons will pay off in better showing experiences in the future.  We shall see!


  1. So exciting! I love your plan with online learning and pivo - it's very similar to what I'm hoping to do once my ring is ready

    1. The Pivo helps so much to compliment the online learning and an in person lesson every 2-3 weeks using the same principles helps as well!

  2. I love my pivo. It's so very handy. Even when I just use it for lessons I learn a ton. I'm getting a wifi extender so I can do a virtual lesson if needed.

    1. Doing the research to figure out how to do a virtual lesson is on my list!

  3. I'm behind the times. Still looking forward to getting a Pivo. Lol. Pictures and video don't lie. I love the background in your pics. So pretty!

    1. A next gen Pivo is supposed to be coming out I think. I'd definitely do some research if you're thinking about buying any time soon, so you get the best value for your dollar.

    2. Thanks for the tip! Much appreciated
