I was gone for a week recently for an out of state family occasion. It went well and my teenage horse sitter did a fabulous job with cats, dog, and horses. Especially Cruise, who can be “enthusiastic” to handle when the weather is colder. A few little things came up when I got home.
Cruise was happy to see me. Jet gave me a glance and then got to eating. Quarter horse. Cruise left his food, walked out of his stall, came over to me, placed his muzzle right next to my face, and took a couple of deep breaths. I rubbed his face for a couple of seconds and back to his food he went. I’ve never had a horse do this after a trip. Seriously touched me.
The day after we got back I worked him after a week off. The weather is in the 30’s, cold but not windy. I didn’t expect much but lunged and did groundwork outside, thinking that I might need to ride inside or not ride at all those first couple of days back. Surprisingly, he was just super. From the first steps on the lunge he was focused on me, glancing and checking in to make sure he was doing what I wanted. His groundwork was also good and I decided f-it, let’s do this thing. And he was super under saddle. Listening. Trying. Pretty relaxed given the circumstances. I was so pleased with him.
I think a few things have led us to this place. I’ve been doing more mental rehearsal of our rides. Especially my position reminders and the progression of exercises. I basically close my eyes, do my position reminders physically, and go through my planned ride. Great for long airplane trips or insomnia! Speaking of position reminders, keeping my left shoulder towards Cruise’s right ear has helped our straightness tremendously in halts, figures, and trot. Who knew that when your right seat bone is actually on the horse’s right back muscle, things are much easier? But most of all, I have been focusing on focus. This came about in the most interesting way. Dog training videos on Facebook. Southend Dog Training is a no BS, simple principles to follow, trainer that I have found super useful with my rescue terrier. I was watching a video that came on one day talking about how focus is EVERYTHING with your dog. Nothing is done until the dog focuses on you. Attention. Commands. Feeding. Any kind of interaction. The focus comes first, then the reward of interaction. Hmmmm. I started thinking about how it applies to horse training and started noticing how often Cruise is not focused on me. During grooming, saddling, on the ground, and under saddle. Once I realized this I’ve made a point to notice his focus and bring it back to me. Mostly through a slight flexion on the ground or a slight flexion followed by a cowboy circle under saddle if the flexion doesn’t bring the focus back. It’s amazing how catching him staring off in the distance from saddling through riding and regaining his focus has settled him in the colder weather. Something I will definitely continue to play with and expand upon.
How is your winter going? Any revelations or tips?
I love the focus thing. I need to *ahem* focus on that more. Carmen has been very good at tuning me out. I’m glad that he Cruz is doing well.
DeleteIt's always good to look outside the box for different things that can certainly be applied to the horses. Many times its the same concept, the same idea, just different wording and now its an A-Ha! or Duh! moment.... Lol.
ReplyDeleteIt is the slightly different explanation that can lead to a huge breakthrough.