Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Confidence Button



This is from the Rudy Horsemanship Facebook page via Amelia Newcomb’s YouTube video playlist Stop Leaning Forward.  I’ve found the Confidence Button super useful the past few rides and easy to instantly implement.  Added to the concept of tucking my chin in and lengthening the back of my neck from another AN video and my balance feels spot on.  Amazing how a slightly different explanation can make all the difference!


  1. This is fantastic! I had a coach who used variations of asking me to use my core and tuck my tailbone and I eventually found 'the place' but this is so clear, and now I get why it feels 'safe' without being defensive

    1. I know! So simple and effective. It definitely qualifies in the how did I not know this category...

  2. The confidence button is in my butt. Who knew? 😁
